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Eight Border Guards Killed by Kurdish Pjak Militants in West Azerbaijan

Tabriz,South Azerbaijan,Nov 7

At least eight Iranian border guardsmen were killed  in the incidents occurred in the children border area  on Friday evening 3 Nov. the incidents happened when  a group of Kurdish PJAK militants attacked their posts in the Chaldran region located in the western countryside of the West Azerbaijan Province.

The eight guardsmen were reportedly posted at the Chaldoran border-point with Turkey before they were attacked by the PJAK militants.

The names of the guardsmen who killed in Azerbaijani border are as follows:

-Second Ostovar, Hamid Hajizadeh (Khoy city- South Azerbaijan)

-First Ostovar, Mahbub Nouri-Asl (Khoy city- South Azerbaijan)

-Second Ostovar, Mehdi Hosseinzadeh (Poldasht city­- South Azerbaijan )


-Mehdi kaltar (Golestan city -Turkman)

-Amir Ghorbani (Miyaneh city -South Azerbaijan)

-Mohammad Hossein Zadeh (Gohardasht city – South Azerbaijan)

-Saeed Golabi (Bonab city – South Azerbaijan)

-Abbas Ghaderi (Bonab city – South Azerbaijan)

Most of the victims of this terrorist operation are citizens of South Azerbaijan.

The PJAK is an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and considered a terrorist group in Iran.The 550-km, Iran-Turkey joint border is located in West Azarbaijan province.

The PJAK , a militant leftist-nationalist group has waged an intermittent armed struggle since 2004 against the Iranian government for self-determination. The group, labelled as terrorist by Iran and other western countries, including the United States, is believed to be an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which is fighting a similar war against the Turkish government.

Unfortunately, Islamic Republic of Iran does not announce the name of terrorist groups that carry out terrorist operations in western Azerbaijan. Also, the, regime doesn’t broadcast these  kind of news .As a result of this fact, minimal media cover the terrorist attack in South Azerbaijan regions.


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