Tabriz,South Azerbaijan, Mar 1
During the last decade, at least seven hills of the historic treasury of South Azerbaijan have been plundered by the profiteers of Iranian Regime.
The cultural and historical treasures of Azerbaijan are still plundering. One of the historical desert of South Azerbaijan “Qum Tapeh” region is on the verge of destruction due to the plundering of its sand. This small desert is about 6 square kilometers. Consequently, less than 10% of the total area of the “Qum Tapeh” remains.
Unfortunately, Plundering of the historical treasures of the South Azerbaijan region has left free by the regime’s environmental organization. Currently, there is no action to control and preserve the historical place of South Azerbaijan by government.
The extractors are operating and Stealing sand resources of the Qum Tapeh region without any permission from the department of environment.
The Qum Tapeh‘s hills play importance role importance in terms of tourism and education and familiarity with desert and desert environments.
Here is some picture before and after of this historic treasury desert.