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Home / Uncategorized / The Racist Insult of Regime’s Singer “Amir Tataloo “to The Turks People

The Racist Insult of Regime’s Singer “Amir Tataloo “to The Turks People

Tabriz,South Azerbaijan,Nov 22

Amir Maghsudlou is known as Tattlo, (a government singer and defender of the Iranian leade)  by publishing a video on social media Showed their racist attitude towards the Turkic people  once again.

In a shameful manner, he described the Turks as ignorant and latent people in the video. Also, he called Turks as a weak-minded people with Poor IQ.

In this short video that is being released into cyberspace, Amir Maghsudlou with his racist behavior said to a hostess:” I am a Turk that’s why I couldn’t get your point.”

The video of this Persian singer, who has been published in the cyberspace since last day, faced with a massive response  of South Azerbaijani.

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