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The Wide Distribution of Turkish Book on the Eve of New Year in Ardabil

Tabriz,South Azerbaijan, Mar 16

South Azerbaijan National –civil right activists have distributed hundreds of Turkish books among  Ardabil ‘s  citizens  on the eve of the New Year.

The South Azerbaijan national activists were giving out Turkish leaflets and books  to everyone  in order to understand the importance and necessity of  mother  language  in South Azerbaijani-Ardabil city.

During the presentation of the books, the activists provided explanations to the citizens of Ardabil about the importance of learning mother tongue and the necessities of education in their mother language.

Activists also congratulate the coming new years and wanted people to be diligent about protecting the identity of South Azerbaijan.

The books were donated to  citizens prospered  for children and stories in Azerbaijani Turkish Language.

South Azerbaijan National –civil right activists  request people to give the Turkish book to acquaintances  as a gift  in the new year.

According to The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran  Article 15,  Persian is the official and common language and script of the people of Iran. The documents, correspondence, official texts, and schoolbooks must all be in this language and script. However, use of regional and ethnic languages in the press, the mass media, and the teaching of their literature at schools, alongside the Persian language, is freely permitted.

However, the authorities of the Iranian government have provided the pretext for this principle so far, and millions of Turkish citizens have been denied the right to study in their mother tongue in Iran.

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