Ankara, Turkey, Sep 6
The delegation headed by Akbar Behnam Jo, governor of Ardabil-South Azerbaijan traveled to Istanbul to visit the authorities, officials and visiting construction projects of Istanbul on 6th of Sep.
According to Turkish sate media, the main purpose of South Azerbaijan– Ardabil city governor is visiting Mr. Vasib Shahin the governor of Istanbul and visiting the construction projects and historical sites of Turkey.
It should be noted that the governor of Ardabil province has invited Mr. Vasib Shahin to visit one the old Turk cities of South Azerbaijan “Ardabil”.
The governor of Ardabil visited the University of Istanbul at a joint meeting with the professors of this university. He stated the tourism industry and Water treatment complexes according to the latest global standards of Ardabil city.
Ardabil governor also visited Istanbul University’s facilities and equipment and one of the water-treatment complexes of the university.
In the meeting between professors, businessmen and authorities of Turkey and the governor of Ardabil-South Azerbaijan Pointed out to upgrade the level of technical and therapeutic services in the field of health tourismand water treatment in Ardabil province.